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InvestGO Facebook Promotion 「北斗星」FB優惠

Infocast InvestGO Desktop fb promo squar


想即時睇到實時港股報價? 立即登記獲取滙港資訊「北斗星 InvestGO」報價系統兩星期免費試用及兌換兩個月訂閱月費啦*!如有任何疑問,可致電客戶服務熱線(852)2589 9552 / 2589 9888 聯絡我們。謝謝!

* 此優惠僅適用於新客戶。合約期最少為12個月。價格不包括港交所螢光幕稅和第三方費用。滙港資訊將保留最終決定權。優惠將於2020年2月29日到期。

Get real-time Hong Kong stock market data from home! New subscribers can receive up to 2 months' fee waiver for Infocast InvestGO (internet version) terminals*! To apply for the 2 weeks' free trial, please fill in the form below, or contact us at (852) 25899552 / 25899888.

* Only for new subscribers. 12 months' minimum subscription. Levies and third party costs are excluded. Infocast reserves the right to amend or rescind the offer. Offer valid until 29/2/2020.

Infocast InvestGO – Free Trial Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions shall apply for the provision of the InvestGO free trial period (“free trial”) by Infocast Limited (“Infocast”) to you.

  1. The free trial shall commence upon approval of Infocast, and shall last for a period of 14 days only. After the 14-day period, Infocast may immediately terminate the free trial without prior notice to you.

  2. Infocast reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the free trial at any time prior to the end of the 14-day period, or on the last day of each calendar month, without prior notice to you.

  3. Infocast reserves the right to amend or rescind this free trial offer at any time.

  4. You are restricted to registering for one (1) free trial per calendar year.

  5. You agree to the above Infocast InvestGO Free Trial Terms & Conditions and any associated End-user License Agreement and/or Legal Disclaimer.

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